One of our earlier logos


  • Then and Now
  • The Campus
  • The Poly
  • College Bowl
  • Greek Life

A lot has changed in 49 years; facilities, faculties and friendships -  our Freshman class had one woman and now the 'tute is run by a woman.  Check some of these changes below and then send some of your own to the webmaster.

Richard Folsom
President Richard G. Folsom
1958 - 1971
President Shirley Ann Jackson
1999 -
The Approach from Troy - Then and Now.....and see more changes on Campus
Career Development Center
Student life - Then and Now...and see more of the changes to Life on Campus


Real estate improvements are always changing, whether in our homes on our campus.  RPI has adapted to the times and has facilities most of us would not have dreamed of having.

The campus has spread out a bit - like some of us.
The Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies opened in 2004
The Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), started in 2004 opened October 2008 - it is a world-class building, versatile and beautiful.
Our Student Union was transformed from plain but comfortable, steam radiator-heated space to a modern and bright center for student activities. Recently renovated, it provides a place for students to study, eat, and relax. Visit the Student Union website for more information.

The Rensselaer Polytechnic was read avidly each week and here we capture some of the memories from our years there!

The Poly

Click on any article below to read it full size!

Or you can visit the current Poly
RPI Wins 5 College Bowls and championship - 1961 Despite enthusiasm, we never won a football game in our years in Troy ..but our hockey team made it to the 'final four' during both our freshman and senior years! Hockey!!
Brinkworth and Knightley - All Americans 1964 Hockey team makes it to NCAA finals ... ...but loses in Denver Harkness goes to Cornell


GE College Bowl 1961

Our College Bowl team was coached from the School of Humanities, and went on to win a trophy and a scholarship.  Below are the universities they faced, and the scores

Date Show Schools Score
3/12/61 #83 RPI vs Indiana U, Bloomington 200-155
3/19/61 #84 RPI vs Fisk U 295-45
3/26/61 #85 RPI vs Fordham U 210-165
4/2/61 #86 RPI vs Grinnell U 300-165
4/9/61 #87 RPI vs U of Connecticut, Storrs 295-70

In the 60's we had 30 fraternities on campus and over half of us belonged to one of them. Take a few minutes with the list below (alphabetically in Greek order per Wikipedia)  and see how many of the people, or buildings, you remember!

Alpha Chi Rho
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
Gamma Delta Iota
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Delta Phi
Chi Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
Theta Xi
Theta Chi
Lambda Chi Alpha
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Pi Lambda Phi
Phi Epsilon Pi
Phi Iota Alpha
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Kappa Theta
Phi Mu Delta
Phi Sigma Delta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Tau Epsilon Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon

Fraternity Life:

Friends made for life, parties you wouldn't dare tell your kids about, and memories galore - that's what many of us had during those 4 short years so long ago.  Now RPI has 31 fraternities and sororities - 25 are the same as in 1960.   Come to Reunion 2009 and find out if Greek life is still as important a part of the fabric of student life!