Class Gift
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Please help us give a significant Class Gift in honor of the Class of '64 - remember, it was the alumni before us that made it possible for RPI to provide us with the learning experience we had 45 years ago!

Can become:

How we are doing?

Its been a long time since we were students at the 'Tute. And let's be realistic: some of us have never returned a cent to RPI since we graduated. For all of you that fit into this group (be honest now!) we have an idea:

Why not contribute just $1 for each year since graduation – only a $45 gift? With your help we can put together a meaningful class gift, without burdening anyone.

To make this idea even more meaningful, we have rounded up a group of dedicated class members who have agreed to match all the $45 contributions that we raise during this effort. That's right -- your $45 becomes $90 towards the Class Gift -- in honor of our reunion!

And there's another factor to consider: You may not be aware that a significant factor in the national college rankings is the percentage of alumni that contribute to the school – not the amount of money raised, but the number of alums who contribute. Here the 'Tute does not do very well, and we’d like to see that change -- especially for our class. So how about it -- just go to and make your tax-deductible $45 contribution now toward our class gift in honor of our 45th.

And thank you for your help! See you in Troy!

Earl Sedlik
Reunion Gift Chair

Mike Wellner
Reunion Chair

PS  -  "We've also established a "fraternity challenge."    The fraternity that has the highest percentage of Annual Patroons will be awarded a special prize at reunion.